21 December, 2005

Kashmir a Human Tragedy

Kashmir Center / Kashmiri American Council
1111 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Suite 420, Washington, DC 20036.

Kashmir a Human Tragedy: Yasin Malik

Washington, D.C. December 17, 2005. The Kashmir Center / Kashmiri American Council held its inauguration of its new office this evening in Washington DC. The event was highlighted by its guest speaker, Mr. Yasin Malik, Chairman, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). More than one hundred invited guests attended the event. The event was opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony of the new office by the guest of honor, followed by opening remarks by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director, Kashmir Center / Kashmiri American Council, where he called for remembrance for the victims of the recent earthquake that devastated Azad Kashmir, North Western province of Pakistan, and parts of the Valley of Kashmir. Dr. Fai emphasized the need to demilitarize the arena of conflict – the state of Jammu and Kashmir – through a phased withdrawal of the troops (including paramilitary forces) of both India and Pakistan from the area under their respective control. He said that sting could be taken out of the dispute by detaching moves towards demilitarization of the state from the rights, claims or recognized positions of the three parties involved – governments of India and Pakistan and the people of Kashmir. In order to do this, it might be necessary to make the demilitarization of the State the first step towards the reduction of Indian and Pakistani forces on their borders outside of Kashmir. It is after the peace-process is set afoot that the rights and claims of the parties can be considered in a non-violent atmosphere.
The highlight of the evening involved the remarks of Mr. Malik followed by a lengthy question and answer session. Mr. Malik spoke of his time spent visiting the devastated areas and taking part in the relief efforts for those affected by the tragic earthquake. He emphasized that he has seen the people of Pakistan as a symbol of generosity during the days he spent in Azad Kashmir in November 2005. He also remarked how the dispute regarding the territory of Kashmir has had an adverse effect on people who are divided by the Cease-fire Line (CFL). "Two men were sharing the same land but they were divided by the CFL. I wanted to give aid to a person on other side of the Cease-fire Line but could not because of the Line being in dispute." Mr. Malik stated that "the Indian soldier told me that he could not let distribute aid to the other person unless it was cleared through political channels first, which would take some time." The words of Mr. Malik only underscored the necessity of India and Pakistan to be more flexible in terms of the CFL and the distribution of aid from one side to another.
Mr. Malik also spoke of the necessity of Kashmiri involvement in the current peace process between India and Pakistan. "Without proper representation of the 14 million people of Kashmir, how can we come to a reasonable solution without input from those they are negotiating about."
Mr. Malik is will known in international circles as a man whom traveled to over 5000 villages in Kashmir on foot, holding over 6000 meetings in the Valley of Kashmir, Jammu, as well as the Ladakh Provinces. Mr. Malik collected over 1.5 million signatures stating what the people of Kashmir need to be included in the negotiations. Following this two-year trip throughout Kashmir, a photo exhibition was held in New Delhi as well as in Islamabad in 2005.
Mr. Malik said that the Kashmiri people have over 5000 years of history. Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Hindus have lived together for centuries in Kashmir. He concluded his remarks by stating that the people of Kashmir are for peaceful negotiations but insisted that they [the people of Kashmir] would like to have a seat on the negotiating table.
Mr. Altaf Qadri, JKLF Chief delegate in Azad Kashmir told the audience that it is absolutely necessary that the wishes of the Kashmiri people need to be ascertained for reaching a final settlement. He also thanked the people of Pakistan for their generosity toward the affected people of Azad Kashmir.
Mr. David Wolfe of the Kashmir center thanked the audience for their participation. The event was concluded with a dinner for attendees to mingle and freely discuss their views with Mr. Malik and others attending the dinner.


آپ بھی اپنا تبصرہ تحریر کریں

اہم اطلاع :- غیر متعلق,غیر اخلاقی اور ذاتیات پر مبنی تبصرہ سے پرہیز کیجئے, مصنف ایسا تبصرہ حذف کرنے کا حق رکھتا ہے نیز مصنف کا مبصر کی رائے سے متفق ہونا ضروری نہیں۔

اگر آپ کے کمپوٹر میں اردو کی بورڈ انسٹال نہیں ہے تو اردو میں تبصرہ کرنے کے لیے ذیل کے اردو ایڈیٹر میں تبصرہ لکھ کر اسے تبصروں کے خانے میں کاپی پیسٹ کرکے شائع کردیں۔

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